Thursday, 14 October 2010


I really enjoyed this exercise particularly particularly as I relaxed and introduced colour.  I find charcoal very free flowing but messy.  The water-soluble graphite was very versatile and I really liked it.  At first I struggled with ideas, towards the end I was really into it but sadly had to stop and go and get the children.  I found the large paper difficult to manage and was happier doodling on smaller A4 size as I could move around and  I managed to do some more while looking after the children.  I was not initially sure about the conte crayons but liked the effect I managed to achieve with them.  I had not used watercolour pencils before and really liked them and would like to use them more.  Looking forward to doing more exercises

1 comment:

  1. hi karen,
    it's so fun when you find a new medium you like!
    i'm the same with chalk pastels - messy, but i love the effect - and the brush-tipped faber-castell artist pens *sigh* - i am so in love with their versatility!!
